
The Japan Times Weekly 3

★【Asia drug boom fuels surge in opium growing: U.N.】
    Opium cultivation in Southeast Asia has doubled over the last six years as growing demand for heroin in China, the U.N. said Oct. 31.

   The U.N. investigated about opium growing, and said that in a report. China alone has more than a million regtistered heroin users and consumes most of the drug in the region. According to U.N.estimates, cultivation in Laos soared 66% to 6800 hectares in 2012 and by 17% to 51000 hectares in Myanmar, the world's second largest producer after Afghanistan with prices rising. Opium poppy cultivation in the region has thus doubled since 2006, despite official reports from Laos, Myanmar and Thailand that nearly 25000 hectares of poppies said that we eradicate in 2012. Futhermore, opium cultivation is generally linked to the absece of peace and security. Myanmar has followed a 15-year-plan to eradicate opium by 2014, but the U.N. study suggests we will not accomplish the target.

  Drugs cause bad influences and good influence for people. There are many users of drugs in Japan also. I think we should eradicate drug trafficking because growing poppies is job for farmers. Growing poppies thaht we need is better.

surge 急増; opium アヘン; cultivation 栽培; lures 引き寄せる; opium poppy ケシ; eradicated 根絶された; drug trafficking 麻薬密売; soar 急に上がる; amid 最中に; estimate 見積もる; scarce 乏しい

The Japan Times Weekly, November 10, 2012    

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