
The Japan Times Weekly 5

★【Hoside returns to Earth】
     Akihiko Hoshide returned to Earth on Nov.19 after completing a four-month mission to the International Space Station and setting a new record for spacewalks by a Japanese astronaut.


    The Russian Soyuz spacecraft carrying Hoshide landed safely on a plain in Kazakhstan in central Asia at 7:56 a.m. local time. He saied "I'm glad I was born on this beautiful planet," to his follower in Japan on Twitter before the Soyuz undocked from International Space Station. He accomplished three spacewalks outside the ISS during his mission. His spacewalks to repair the station totaled 21 hours and 23 minutes.

    I'm very glad to hear the news! He made great contributions in the field of space engineering. Moreover, he had a try at dubbing of Japanese animetion. I was surprised at ISS could connect a communication to JAXA. This is the first time to try dubbing in the ISS.

altitude 高度;spacewalk 宇宙遊泳;surpass ~をしのぐ; dubbing アフレコ

The Japan Times Weekly, November 24, 2012

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