
The Japan Times Weekly 1

★【NYC Ferris wheel project has big backers】

The plan which build the largest observation wheels in the world  at Staten Island in NYC was published.
But, this observation wheels is a long way from the center of the city, so it becomes a tourist spot or not is still unknown.


    The Ferris wheel may be a steamage invention, but it is back in voue in New York, which has joined a long list of cities where urban planner or developers have bet that massive, modern versions of the old ride can serve as economic engines.
    there are two new massive wheels in Las Vegas. Seattle saw a smaller version open on its waterfront last spring. Now, the biggest test yet will come in New York, where city officials an nounced Sept. 27 that a private development group had been given approval to build the world's tallest Ferris wheel, at 189.6 meters, on the waterfront in Staten Island.The proposal, with a $230 million price tag, is audacious. The view of New York Harbor will be thrilling and unique.

    I think New York City don't have to build the biggest observation wheels in the world. Because, there are a lot of tourist spots in New York City. But if I will have a chance to ride the observation wheels, I want to ride it!

steamage  蒸気機関車が走っていた時代 ; back in vogue  再び流行って ; urban planner  都市計画 ; bet 賭けた ; observation wheels 観覧車 ; daunting 難しそうな ; luster 輝き ; audacious ; 大胆な ; remote 離れた ; afterthought 後からの思いつき、追加 ; heavy hitters 大物、有力者 ; primary 主要な ; baron 大物、実力者 ; apparel 衣料品 ; powerhouse 有力企業 ; subsidiary 子会社 ; black eyes 不名誉、悪評 ; mortgage securities 不動産担保証券 ; distressed 差し押さえられた ; portfolio 資産 ; heft 重要性、影響力 ; gimmick 策略 ; neighborhood 地区 ; thrilling わくわくさせる ; earn back 元を取る ; got...ground 実現した   

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