
The Importance Of Club Activity

Did you belong to a club? Or, do you belong to a circle now? Club activities are very important for the growth of myself. I think we can get many good things from club activities. For example, in case of participating in competitions or holding recitals, we make efforts for same goals and so, these activities connect with improvement of the club and we can get a feeling of achievement. Or, many people who have different characters and thinkings gather clubs, so certainly your opinion will be opposed to other people's. Then it connects with your communication abilities and we can learn how to take a flexible attitude. Finally, we can make friendships with other people and we can get a lot of great memories after experiencing many club activities. Thus club activities play an important part in the growth of our emotional strength.

The Japan Times Weekly 5

★【Hoside returns to Earth】
     Akihiko Hoshide returned to Earth on Nov.19 after completing a four-month mission to the International Space Station and setting a new record for spacewalks by a Japanese astronaut.


    The Russian Soyuz spacecraft carrying Hoshide landed safely on a plain in Kazakhstan in central Asia at 7:56 a.m. local time. He saied "I'm glad I was born on this beautiful planet," to his follower in Japan on Twitter before the Soyuz undocked from International Space Station. He accomplished three spacewalks outside the ISS during his mission. His spacewalks to repair the station totaled 21 hours and 23 minutes.

    I'm very glad to hear the news! He made great contributions in the field of space engineering. Moreover, he had a try at dubbing of Japanese animetion. I was surprised at ISS could connect a communication to JAXA. This is the first time to try dubbing in the ISS.

altitude 高度;spacewalk 宇宙遊泳;surpass ~をしのぐ; dubbing アフレコ

The Japan Times Weekly, November 24, 2012


The Japan Times Weekly 4

★【Worsening gaming addictions】
Gaming addictions have increased in Japan, according to recent reports from counseling services and treatment centers.


     Online gamining addictions have increased in Japan and counseling services have received hundreds of requests for consultation over the past year. The expanding popularity of online social gaming is one reason for increading of gaming addictions. Medical researchers, treatment facilities and counselors consider gaming addiction a clinical syndrome. If players play games for extended periods, they suffer from poor health, bad nutrition and a lack of physical movement. The Consumer Affairs Agency began to regulate online social gaming this year. However, the regulation is only first step. We need to regulate time limits and usage.

     Online games are very popular in Japan. A lot of online game commercials are broadcasted everyday. However, we need to consider our health and should play the games moderately.

addiction 熱中、常用;accelerate 拍車をかける;devastate 荒れる;regulate 規制する;addict 依存する

The Japan Times Weekly, November 17, 2012    


The Japan Times Weekly 3

★【Asia drug boom fuels surge in opium growing: U.N.】
    Opium cultivation in Southeast Asia has doubled over the last six years as growing demand for heroin in China, the U.N. said Oct. 31.

   The U.N. investigated about opium growing, and said that in a report. China alone has more than a million regtistered heroin users and consumes most of the drug in the region. According to U.N.estimates, cultivation in Laos soared 66% to 6800 hectares in 2012 and by 17% to 51000 hectares in Myanmar, the world's second largest producer after Afghanistan with prices rising. Opium poppy cultivation in the region has thus doubled since 2006, despite official reports from Laos, Myanmar and Thailand that nearly 25000 hectares of poppies said that we eradicate in 2012. Futhermore, opium cultivation is generally linked to the absece of peace and security. Myanmar has followed a 15-year-plan to eradicate opium by 2014, but the U.N. study suggests we will not accomplish the target.

  Drugs cause bad influences and good influence for people. There are many users of drugs in Japan also. I think we should eradicate drug trafficking because growing poppies is job for farmers. Growing poppies thaht we need is better.

surge 急増; opium アヘン; cultivation 栽培; lures 引き寄せる; opium poppy ケシ; eradicated 根絶された; drug trafficking 麻薬密売; soar 急に上がる; amid 最中に; estimate 見積もる; scarce 乏しい

The Japan Times Weekly, November 10, 2012