
The Japan Times Weekly 8

★【Defense needs made Osprey plan inevitable】
  Okinawa Gov. Hirokazu Nakaima cut a gloomy figure Oct. 1 as he watched six MV-22 Ospreys arrive at the Futenma air station in the city of Ginowan.


  The central goverment nonetheless has to ensure that the deploymant is carried out because of the security alliance with America. However this security is needed more than ever. Japan has many international problem, especially Senkakus problem is very serious problem. So we have no other choice to comply as much as possible with requests from America for our defenses.

  This problrm is delicate and difficult. There still a lot of opponents about the deployment of Osprey in Okinawa because Osprey has not  guaranteed that it is reliable yet, so the central government should debate deeply about Ospreys with opponents in Okinawa.

inevitable : 避けられない grim-faced : 暗い表情の deployment ; 配備 controversial ; 議論の多い
security alliance ; 安全保障同盟 comply ; 応じる dubbed ; 呼ばれる low-atitude 低空の

The Japan Times Weekly, October 13, 2012

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